March 31, 2009

Random Update #1

I thought I would do a quick update about my Connecticut trip I did last September that I never blogged about.. The update is more about my friend Sandy that I went to see than the trip. First off.. I actually went to MEET her for the first time. Some people might think that is really weird (I did too at first) but it wasn't at all!! Me and Sandy first met on the famous Myspace. I don't know if any of you ever heard about that baby that was shaken so bad by his day care that it nearly killed him. Anyways.. There were tonz of myspace pages set up for this mom for donations and on the moms page I had added her as a friend so I could keep updated on this really sad story. I was reading through her comments one day and read this really nasty comment from this gross lady so I decided I wanted to Leave a really nice comment. Well I read down a couple comments and from how many "friends" this mom had, 10 people would leave a comment at the same time so by the time you got done with yours there would be more comments to read! So I started reading this comment from Sandy that had pretty much said the same thing that I said So I sent her a message telling her I totally agreed with her and that this was really sad.. Anyways.. We started thinking of ways we could help and introduced ourselves over a period of days became "friends" on myspace so we could see each others pictures and know that it was really us and not some creepy old fat guy lookin for girls.. Over time we started emailing all the time through myspace (nothing about what we could do to help this poor mom, we kind of forgot about that) Then that was a huge pain because we would be emailing at the same time so then we started chatting through MSN. Did that for awhile then finally started talking on the phone for about a year I think then we decided (well I decided) that I needed a vacation and I was going to CT so I did! We had never met in person. I had talked to her husband, her kids, knew about her family.. Vise versa minus the husband and kids. At the Airport in CT I called her to tell her I just landed, she said they were just walking in so I went to the baggage claim where I pretty much watched over my shoulder the whole time looking for her... Finally I looked over by the stairs where I came down from and saw her husband standing there with Shawn (her lil boy) Looked closer and saw her with Lexie (her lil girl) so I walked over there hiding my face from her then gave Rich (her husband) the SH sign Ran up to her from behind and pretty much jumped on her! It was so great! I don't think I have had butterflies like that in forever!! We both said we never felt an awkward moment the whole time. Later that night we all went to dinner and had a blast!! Her family is awesome and I can't wait to see her at my wedding! Theres more I can tell about the trip but if you are still reading then you must really have nothing to do because this is a long post!

1 comment:

Marisa Jean said...

That was thee most random connection I have ever heard about, but a really cool story.