I think its kinda funny that I update about Lexi on here because everyone else updates about there lil kids but I figure its ok because we don't have kids yet so until we have something better to update you all about I am going to keep updating on Lexi because she is still a puppy and she is still cute! Lexi is a lil over 4 months now and is so smart with definitely her own stubborn personality still. Sometimes when she is being stubborn she only listens to Levi unless she can hear in your voice that your mad. So far she sits when you tell her too, She retrieves until she gets bored or unless Levi starts training her to retrieve like she's hunting because then she has so sit and stay next to him and just watch the toy until he says "Lexi!" Then she will do that a couple times but then kind of looks back and give him a dirty look and not bring it back to him and go somewhere else with it and just play with it by herself. And when you give her a treat you can say "Slow" and she will slowly take the treat out of your finger tips which I love because before I would always get scared she would accidentally bite me! but its funny when she does it slowly because she crinkles her nose so we call it 'her mean face' She can also Shake your hand but I think she loves knowing how to do this because she does it but then she switches paws and does it again. Its funny because when Levi is playing with her they always shake after and she will do it like 4 times and Levi will just shake her paws and say Thank you every time. Its so cute! I love watching them wrestle! Its so funny. And she started limping a couple weeks ago and we decided to just watch it to see if it got worse before taking her to the vet but then she stopped and sometimes here and there she will throw in a limp for a minute so we think she is faking but we'll see because she hardly does it. And Last night I thought it was so cute because she fell asleep in the family room and all the sudden she gets up and walks upstairs to Levi's room where she sleeps on her lil bed and I go up there and she is OUT!! See she is smart.... She knows where to go to sleep.. .. .. And last... I forgot to mention. When you take her on walks and you drop the leash .. She picks it up in her mouth and walks her self.
cutie patootie! I love your puppy dog! And I love to hear how she's doing too! :)
We lived on the island of Dominica, yes. Some people confuse it with the Dominican Republic... so I was just checking. :) It's a beautiful island. You will have to take pictures. I am due March 11th, but will most likely be induced about March 5th.
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